I think his brother, Daedalus, should be the real lesson from history. "Just because your brother is doing it doesn't make it a good idea."
I find your lack of faith... disturbing.
With a little more coaching, you could be regarded as super-dense. In time you could collapse under the weight of your own gravity. We live in hope.
I agree with @Scalenex that giving a valid critique of each poem will be next to impossible, and that @Bowser should just tell us how he wrote...
It reminded me of the work of the mysterious Ghost Writer which can be found here. And here. And a bit here.
These pages were slipped anonymously into my in-tray. How Mysterious! Game of Scales Part 3 Chapter 1 - An Exfoliation of Exposition “It all...
[MEDIA] I pity your efforts to block my inevitable victory, as I pity Scott Stirling.
Such diabolical guesses, Bows. I can't wait for the reveal to see just how far we were all thrown off track.
All your base are belong to us! By "us", I mean, "ME"
It's not fair. Even if you lose, you will still have bacon :(
I win, therefore I win. Descarte.
Correction. You lose.
Good to see the 3rd Dawn marches on, and as cryptically as ever. If it ever seems like ending, I will need to start at the beginning again (for...
Wot? No poetry voting thread? I haven't had anything but maggotty art competition for three stinking days!
Nice effort at distracting the @NIGHTBRINGER , @deer riffs, but even Arena Rex cannot hold his attention for long. I believe he has a condition.
Muhahahahaha! I have timezones on my side! No one could possibly...
That would be "inking and skinking", Bowse. Show some respect. And I only claim to be Clown Prince of Fluff, not dictator for life of...
Missed opportunity there. Bearded dragons can also "salute" to swear the oath of office. They head bob and raise forelimbs (auto mispell said...
Cool that you found an Australustrian spider chart.
Bumping the art comp poll a bit. 12 people have voted, at least 5 more will need to vote for the attractive and intelligent comp host to...