From Story 1: Hope is in Order by @SlanntaClause [img] Caption: Cursed by blindness? Me? Who says I am cursed by blindness? I can see just...
Wilting under the blowtorch of pressure here. I sought freedom, and found slavery on this thread. I can only hope for vengeance on my ancient...
TDF woke me up. We have some cat fluff on this very forum, Story 10:. Whispers in the Wind in the Spirit of Fear story comp by @Nahualpiltzintli...
The Forked Pennant of Sotek? Humans get more likeable all the time!
Hmm. A mysterious lack of highlighter looting by @Bowser. Did you get busted? Next art, for my favourite story of the comp, Sacred Duty by...
I hear you, Phoenix. There are libraries of hands in different poses in the web, or usually if I want to draw something I have got no idea about...
Dang it!. What kind of idiot writes these rules?
SO much shading. I feel exhausted. Challenge to @Bowser et al. Images for the last story comp. His Own Hands by @Scalenex [img] Harti -...
Zombie bursting from the earth? Yes please!
I have fixed my main fluff timeline with Canon WRT to The False Moon War (8th Ed ARmy Book Timeline) and then moved the end of the Imperial civil...
@Lady Tor'ti Llaz , I would be honoured if you used my stuff as a scaffold. As for why I played in your swamp in the first place, I had just read...
It's the visual backdrops. Surreal lighting is a typical element, and I get a sense of a kind of misty visual perspective and mysterious things...
Thanks, Disco. You've prompted me to do a reread and look at my notes again. It's only been this week (a year after you identified the issue...
That is precisely what I meant to say :)
No models. There's a place for lizards like you. I've heard it's very nice, but I rarely go there myself.
You rolled double sevens, that's all. Blessed art thou.
Everyone sad = Scalenex happy. You have done well to appease him.
Yes, it is a word, like "sexy". Except for its meaning.
Skink priest. Original concept art was a saurus, but I couldn't think of a reason for a saurus to remove a heart neatly. Want me to name him?