And now I'm curiously waiting... Will look epic
All others might also be kinda small...
Sad but true...
And you can easily produce a new one while painting... but be aware of the calories and brush your teeth afterwards! ;)
Indeed a good idea to have some side project when working with huge numbers of models of a kinde! And I recognize the the good old toffifee pallet!
Looks good. Only thing I'd have to say is: the plant with the big dark leaves in the front right corner is covering too much of your own excellent...
Looks nice
I guess the elephant isn't the problem... Try it like buixae... that could be kind of close...
I agree with what @Crowsfoot said. Some wash applied directly into the cracks in the skull will be useful... aside from that the skull looks...
Elefantenbüchse! Well... actually not really cause an Elefantenbüchse is a rifle with a huge caliber... but it sounds nicely German...;)
I only have a pair of cattlebells and some normal dumbbells... well and a robe for robe skipping...;) ...and my biggest model is a bastilladon... :p
... and a cross trainer... Impressive model. Nice work!
Definitely one looong rifle...
And that's one of the reasons why I don't drink beer...
One spot for the left elbow and one for the right one...
Sepia, agrax earth shade and nuln oil... but the worst was when I knocked down my water glass... Nice orks by the way ...
I guess purchasing sculpting tools was no waste of money... the talent is there! I see great things coming towards us!
Mix the grasses... a batch of bright here... a little of dark there... then some tuffs on prominent places... and for temple ruins: I think...
Guess you can always get back to him and improve what you don't like after the game. So don't worry! And he's not looking bad at all. ;)
Guess you could easily make some round edges by glueing stuff to the sides of the box and cut it in shape... maybe the stuff @Warden uses for his...