That puts my Tupperware to shame...
One of the reasons why I still have not carnosaur... nearly impossible to sneak big stuff like that into the house ...
@Aginor uses army painter I think ... not sure about the specific colors though...
If dried completely and treated with paint and glue even the mossy ones should stay in good condition...
Check the garden section of a diy market... they probably sell it as mulch material or ground cower... as if you can get a sample... that stuff is...
You should paint more... Those minis look great!!
All good! Just some layers of glue when applying stuff to the base should do the job... also paint has a stabilising effect so don't worry!
As a landscape gardener I can say that it lasts long... under the right conditions... as a hobbyist I say: depending on the kind of tree it is...
They look really great! What do you use for the rocks on their bases? Looks like pine bark...
What do you mean by whether you spray them? painting wise? I would definitely do that! the Two options I see are to just paint them monochromatic...
Sadly nope...
I like that idea! Guess it shouldn't be too much of a problem to add stuff like that to already painted models... you could start by adding stuff...
I use deco plants from a dollar store... they have different stuff for different seasons... like Christmas decorations or garlands for summer......
a mixture between protoceratops, ankylodon and water buffalo... quite fitting! Excellent work! Great idea and nicely executed!
As my wife forbid any painting for the near future and made me put the stuff further away than usual Iam and will be unable to paint for a...
Just a side note: with the new edition AOS seems to be taking some major steps towards oldhammer... according to complexity... still simpler and...
Wow! Great stuff here! Custom priest and chameleon skinks are awesome !
A simple wash can help a lot...
Mine were nearly all dry when I tried them after a similar long time... but that's maybe because I didn't bother cleaning the screw caps before...