The peanuts inspired triplane is superb! Great idea!
Do I spott some historic paint bottles in the background?
Thats a thing with paints... sometimes you buy a color and better would have picked another... and you end up with tones of green paints that are...
The fingers need something to do when they can't hold a brush... and the brush... well...
Well... as it's not finished it's not really a valid entry... and I don't want to steal votes from others... on the other hand I don't know when...
Sorry... didn't manage to get it completely done... or take pictures of it's recent progress... a wave of shit came across my real life...
And even a decent glowing effect on the eyes ... not bad...
One thing I find kind of weird: how will he blow the horn/trumpet with no lungs? On the other hand he's a skeleton marching to war... so I guess...
I'm for grey white and black ... depends on the model and the way I plan to paint it.
Now i know what they do with all the fresh color pots that Duncan uses in his videos... or did they really give away 40 sealed pots of paint?!
That's gonna be epic!
Same here! Managed to get my wife to watch black panther with me... one argument was that one actress with Zimbabwean roots... sadly her...
The twins look great! And I love the little cocktail mix at the big guy's feet!
And another sideshow featufeaturing the color red: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
The monster itself is nearly finished... as the last red part the tail bludgeon got finished today leaving the white spikes, the claws and the...
That's nice and bright. I like that it's kind of coherent (right word? Dunno but sounds somewhat intellectual;)) with the scales not being dark...
Indeed a nice option
Now you know what I felt the first time looking at your blog! But I tell you the pain fades with time...;) Jokes aside... yours is great too. Just...