A much wiser approach, indeed.
It can happen that the time between priming and the first basecoat is just 20-30 minutes when I'm in a rush... so I guess that's where the main...
Well... I really like this Canadian forest in the background... :p:D
Might be my sweaty fingers in combination with a kind of impatiens that's making me paint over it asap... or maybe I need to take a good 30...
It's Vallejo white primer... it's indeed not covering perfectly even, but the effect you are referring to is caused by me touching and twisting...
More was done... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And a little side project... cause I was already painting green... [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I don't know if I already told you, @Warden ... but what I really like about your terrain is that actually every detail is playable and on scale...
As I started working on the solar engine and crew for my bastilladon it might be possibly possible that I might finish this model by the end of...
Indeed found some time to paint yesterday... to save some time I switched from highlighting every single scale of the basti's scaly skin to...
Didn't know Spanish could make smelly cheese, too... the French can for sure... Rockford and such... best you can do is heat some milk or cream...
HIGH king of the DEEP...
Well... two pairs of front limps should compensate for loosing the second set of jaws...
Why shouldn't they allow you to use them as knights? If I see correctly most of the parts are from the knights kit... and they would be really......
Well, I do...;) Next thing on the list would be trying to consume at least a bit of one of this great designer cakes shown here... well not of one...
Simply amazing! All this little bones and details... that's what makes a great cake!;) Also great to see some WIP pictures!
Indeed... and one of the old oop skink handlers is also in a kind of sitting position... but both are considerably smaller than modern regular...
Indeed... their fluff explanation is that they are cave dwellers hunting in absolute darkness only by smell and audio sense... not unlike many...