Its not that bad. I fight with entropy preeetty well ;)
I solved this problem by adding additional desk, just for hobby things. Now I have two desks to care about :P
Haven't posted in a while but the great plan would be to make my experimental Skink Priest this month a thing :)
Kids grow up, so if you want to get back to the hobby you can do so anytime ;)
That's probably something you would have to agree before as not everyone has that big of a roster. The idea basically comes from some of the...
You can also try a following challenge. Day before battle or when you do your list creation an opponent picks a unit type from your race roster....
ORANGE SKINK ALPHA BRAVE BERSERKER FROM THE SPAWNS OF PURE IMBA Something always I wanted to try was to tackle on yellow/orange range, so as a...
Thanks man, it was a ride :D
Some old links on partner sites can still point to http website. I also vaguely remember one of our INTERNAL links pointing to http even if I was...
KROQ GAR And finally the Kroq Gar himself, featuring my "lets try OSL while having no idea how to do it" as well as couple of new techniques I...
Would you be so kind to give some hints how did you make them? Especially what materials did you use?
You could technically access them in the database, BUT the message can be already read anyways, so I understand not giving the illusion of not...
When you play some other game with dragons and the first thing that comes to your mind when you see a cool looking character is how to apply this...
I actually used a small amount of water effects on the slope going downwards one of the base edges, which very hard to depict on a photograph...
Is this a thread where you copy-paste memes from meme thread? *confused skink look*
I think they meant the typo in: Besides, its a very nice tutorial!
1. Jar Jar . . . . . . . (now lets be more serious, shall we?) 1. Darth Vader 2-10. His Storm Troopers I haven't seen SW in a long while and...
GRYMLOQ'S BASE A small terrain piece for the big boy. As always I tried to use as much I can from materials available around such as sand,...
Fooling around with a base for Carnosaur and hope to have some pictures with this mighty beast attached today or tomorrow!
The hulking Kroxigor figure of Quas grunted and forced himself forward to pack all the left-overs and tools used to prepare the meals that were...