Wouldn't that suit the jungle setting well? Haha. I admit I heavily inspired the color scheme from Total War concept arts, and those green dyed...
GRYMLOQ PART II After a month or so of painting and tears over messed up wash on white and highlighting (never try to do washes on large,...
Honestly... get Total War 2 and play TW1 factions through Mortal Empires: Benefits of TW2 overall: * lizards * actual tutorial * less boring...
I still work on a Carnosaur *laughs in insanity*, so I guess this can also be used as my May edition as well?
One could observe that the sleep of the mighty Kroxigor was disturbed by some unpleasant dreams. His body would sometimes shake and his hands...
It was a fairly quick job to heat the previously prepared food composed of spiced meat and rice, which was now ready to be given to the small...
As Quas was approaching the beachhead settlement he felt the pleasant cooked meat smell with his nostrils. It lacked the usual scent of added...
Yup, they need a lot of polishing with sand paper to even fit and green stuff work to cover the spaces after assembly and good paint job hiding...
As Xlauax joined to the party of old fellows, Quas took part in a hide and seek game throwing small stones where he found or he thought he found...
GRYMLOQ The Carnosaur is my first attempt at zenithal priming which I did with assistance of two spray cans: Games Workshop Chaos Black and Games...
Toy swords? In my childhood we were all running with toy guns, including those that were later banned due to eye injuries :P But fortunately we...
Quas was more than happy to fulfill the task and now upon completion we was marching with inner joy in his own heart. A change of environment also...
Carefully prepared portions of food, both for now and for travel were awaiting the newcomers. Neat rows of cooked meat and rice bowls were still...
Angry noises of the hungry Skinks hitting the plates and bowls once again marked a brand new day for a humbly humbling Kroxigor Quas. The duty of...
Not entirely ignoring the Skink's words, Quas was already found picking the unwilling Old Blood, his giant cleaver strapped safely. Blood was once...
The Saurus falling from the sky was the sign to sprint forward as that always ends ugly. Such thought briefly crossed the earth-paced mind of a...
The large Kroxigor felt a sense of pride that he was not the one to be treated today as he entered Zuztle's cave. He was the one in fact to bring...
As I only have the highlighting to be done on last batch of 2 Saurus Knights. My next target is, finally: The Carnosaur
REGULAR SPEARS Now I'm basically painting regular spears in batch of 2, so I thought I can also upload first batch as well :) I did some small...
Quas sat up holding both his hands enclosing his crocodile ears trying to stop swirling world in his eyes. Took him a long while to regain his...