A batch of Cold Ones appeared to invade and eat rats like never before :) Apart from pouring water effects and adding a shrub here and there I...
Wow, that looks awesome! I think any metal pieces would simply melt and I think they would look a bit silly because of that. As for eyes maybe a...
I also engraved it into my signature :)
Welcome to the jungle and enjoy your stay :)
Now this is what I call a weapon to spank Skaven cosplayers :P
Things to do: * have a good one week lizard vacations in Spain (lots of climbing and sun-basking ^^) * having mounts done, move on to saurus...
Quas stood disgruntled and confused after his jaws tasted only thin air instead of a raw, living meat as well as almost being decapitated by a...
Quas looked at the oracle processing the questions slowly while sounding something along - "Yyyyyy..." - he tasted each word like a very good meal...
So colorful! Nice job :)
I think if I remember correctly the key part neveroddoreven mentioned in one of his post is to load the brush with tiny amount of paint for each...
Welcome along and enjoy your stay. See ya in the painting blogs! ^^
Rhythmic beats and scratches were mounting up as the giant hands and feet hit the ground allowing Quas to move through the tunnels relentlessly...
I actually used them to learn techniques I would fear to do in more complex and beautiful models, so here we go with glazing, different types of...
Get... That... Turtle... Down!
Lots of biting in part two and the scenes get more descriptive as well :) Two possible improvements: * you sometimes capitalize Orruk and...
Reviewed the video with a calmer self a bit and two additional things: * that Sun Dragon landing on Necrosphinx wasn't a fortunate one xD * You...
Quas clapped his giant hands so loudly that a couple of Skinks jumped out of where they stood or sit frantically looking around if something...
"But... friends... danger... a dream happened..." - slowly and with multiple pauses to find a fitting word, or... any word Quas explained the...