Picked TikTak'to because of sick micro potential on the battlefield with his upgraded Terradons, Rippers, heroes on Terradons @ recruitment,...
That's true, I meant the yellow eye oval too. Do I see it right that there is a brighter yellow painter only for the part of the eye?
Hello and welcome!
That's a really good eye on that Skink! I see you even painted a smaller oval inside the eye :)
Then what I suggest would be to paint white or off-white paint as a base-coat and then paint your yellow on top of it. It will be much easier to...
I blocked the edges of the base with sand glued by PVA. How it looks before priming: [IMG] Finished product: [IMG]
Welcome aboard!
Vallejo yellows are... a bit problematic to say mildly, haha. Do you paint over black or over white primer?
Which paint provider do you use? Citadel? This question will help me to determine if that's a problem between the vendors or not, because I tend...
This guy has quite an intimidating size for a table top (48 cm). Here is the potential buy link:...
Rollovers from the last sprint: [IN PROGRESS 70%] cold ones - paint teeth and tongues (highlights and some fixes) [IN PROGRESS 70%] cold ones -...
A hero of the jungle, a glorious hunter-wanderer welcomed the pleasingly burning sun as he stepped out of the wall of trees and returned to the...
I feel a sudden urge to mod my PC to something warhammerish now...
Since I will be in travels next few days I can share the progress overall: [TODO] mass highlight and finishing touches on the upper body [DONE]...
"A food... in a... food" thought to himself Quas picking the insects one by one and disposing them in the most appropriate manner for a Kroxigor,...
Scent of blood was still strong, almost eye-visible to the primal senses of the crocodillian reptile who was storming the jungle once again. The...
The base looks really good! Vallejo company has a lot of instructional videos on how to make nice water effects if you look for inspirations.