mini Tourney with prep: If you have a stable player base of 8 this works. It can be adapted up or down based on number of players. If more than 8...
I can't wait to see your next project.
Game night April 18th 2024 Only 3 of the group showed, so we ran a 3 player triumph and treachery game of 1k points. I was deployed in a corner,...
I've been slowly working on 5 vindictors, 3 paint test skaven, and the chalice of ushoran.
Preface: I bought the FEC endless spells when I arrived at the game store tonight. Is from the box set and is standing in for the full miniature....
[ATTACH] I am now up to 2000 points worth of painted cannibals.
Thank you.
Yndrasta, painted in the Aurelian Blades Stormhost color scheme. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
As a note of correction. Lord Toromost was renamed Marquis Julius between games 1 and 2. I am in the process of writing a lore primer, which i...
The Marquis, Julius. Knight commander of the Templars of New Summercourt and generally the leader of the airborne forces. Earl Bennard the Brave,...
Working at it. Also, if you guys have not heard, we're putting out a new medieval range.
At least its not skaven.
Again: I'm Digital Products Manager. You can read more about it in the article I linked above
I've been working on contract with them for some time. This is an official title though. While my position title is Digital Products Manager, I...
so.. this happened this month.
I built the 10 ghouls that will get me to 60. Now its just waiting on my abhorrent archregent to get here.
In an effort to expand the realm of Ushoran, as well as the fief of Sovereign Markus Stagheart, the Templars of New Summercourt deployed to...
Current progress of the FEC. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Crypt guard need one more hour painting session, probably less. Knights need mounts.
I definitely get why they went the horde route with this faction for infantry. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]