I'd like to register completion and basing of 4 skeleton cavalry. I also based other models requiring it. Final touches after the basing medium...
Thanks Warden! More to come!
Happily so
That doesn't make sense. GW always replaces. If not have you contacted the reseller?
Based the previously completed spearmen. [ATTACH]
Kruleboyz are almost done. Ghouls are completed and are awaiting basing. Four more skeletons were quickly put together this afternoon, and five...
Last month I bashed my goal of 100 infantry miniatures or equivalents. I reached 144 infantry miniatures or equivalents by end of month. My goal...
Current painting desk. Featuring: 5 orruks for Kevin, my commission client. 10 ghouls for my FEC A whole bunch of shields for the emerald host...
Thanks JT. I think I'm going to continue this recipe for the skeletons
A few more steps to go on the chariot itself. However the crew and the first two skeleton cavalry are completed. I went with a different style of...
Crab rave but metal using rift forged bodies and harvester heads. Probably going to use these in a multi-role fashion with various chaos forces....
So this happened https://wargamesatlantic.com/blogs/news/a-guide-to-digital-kitbashing
I loved and hate this model equally. It is the quintessential example why interlocking joinery should be standard on detailed models of this size....
Also, UHU glue + translucent paint = stringy effects like poison or blood.
Note: purple then blue for burn pattern on metallics.
I'm going to be posting a review later, but I wanted y'all to see the sprues first. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
primer-prepping for rainy days ahead. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I ended up not painting on teusday. I did build 5 cavalry though. No pictures at the moment, but they were primarily made out of the elven...
This was actually last night's build. I have some surprises coming for tonight's build and I'm working on a rather large project in terms of...