Built some of the new plastic Les Grognard Cavalry for a review.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
accidental post
5 human swordsmen for the guild Myrmidian 1 Warhammer Leonardo da vinci 1 Jeff, supposed destroyer of airships [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Kruleboyz for Kevin are done. [ATTACH]
First 5 models of the year: Vintage Saurus. [ATTACH] And 10 kruleboyz for my commission client. I have 2 stages + touch ups left on these....
They aren't tentacles. Its similar to how a cloud of scarabs moves and undulates. I can understand how it looks like tentacles though.
The new swarms aren't ugly at all. Why would you think they're ugly? They're updated scopes, and they have increased presence and dynamic movement...
It looks like the rulebook and forces books are a package deal. Regarding the swarms, thats a 10k (high end estimate for GW since they are...
Lizards, It's time of rev the painting engines. Update as of 6:00 p.m.: my painting desk is completely cleaned and reorganized. I have a...
Whelp, whenever i have disposable income again. Bow ushabti and tomb guard ahoy. I'm also going to get a unit of necro knights as a matter of...
Thoughts regarding plans for January: personal matter away from paint desk Jan 3rd-6th Which means I have to paint on Monday the first to get a...
Those skeletons above plus a bunch more have been primed. I've received notice that my order of shields has been shipped. So I will have shields...
More 2024 prep. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
1000 models or equivalents for 2024
*Best Hugo Weaving impression* Hail, lizards and friends of old, and welcome to this blog. I'm posting this a few days early from the turn of the...
Undead prime day 1. Plus a few unrelated peltasts to fill space. [ATTACH]
I worked on last night and I'm continuing to work on tonight a massive pile of undead I needed to build.
continuing to push on with new years prep. sorted my undead army to-build pile out. Built and primed a unit of 5 blood knights. primed more of...
I decided to channel a dwarf for yule. [ATTACH]
so this guy is charging for scans of original GW metals?