Thanks for the kind words! The Coach Kremit miniature from Warploque is great, it's one whole bit of resin, clean up was minimal, and it was a...
I’ve finished that block of Skinks, we’ll i just need to base them but they’re painted at least. I started on the Bastilodon today and got a good...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Getting closer to the finish line with this block of 20.
Is there anyone on here in the UK that took up the retail pledges and will be printing for sale?
Thanks! Yes, it’s Volupous pink contrast paint over coral white. I then dry brushed a little tyrant skull over it to pick out the highlights a...
Another work in progress shot of the Skink Alpha! [ATTACH]
I’m aiming to finish the 20 Skinks I’ve started then make a start on a Bastilodon w/ Solar Engine.
I’ve been deciding on colour schemes for the Skinks as well based on caste: Warriors - Purpley pink (like above) Priests - light green/blue Beast...
Lol, I really need it, I’m an achingly slow painter (full time work, 2 kids and a musician mean hobby stuff gets a pretty small slice of my time...
Started work on Project Seraphon this weekend. I told myself that if I paint a unit, in this case a squad of 20 Skinks with Boltspitters and...
Hey folks, Just wondering if anyone has done any mods to use the Cold Ones from the Drakespawn Knights kit for their Saurus Knights? If so, is...
Lol, cheers guys, thankfully this is not my first rodeo...
He arrived today! Confirmation of home working until at least 20th April arrived as so I may even get started on it!
Having looked at the updated war-scroll and deciding that it’s very much YOLO at the moment I’ve bought a Dread Saurian, should get delivered in...
It’s 3 damage in the codex. That only changes for me if there’s an errata.
There’s no way they’ll get rid of the Krox IMHO.
They’re made by a company called Warploque Miniatures.
If it’s not a recast you could probably get in touch with Forge World, they’re really good like that and would likely send you a pdf.
That pdf is great, pretty decent starting point for some of the schemes.