[attach] Round 1
We need a 6th so I'll use this
So I haven't got anymore replies to this, you guys wanna just go with what we got?
That looks promising
Sounds great, interested to see what comes of this.
I'm still here ;)
Going to let this go at least another week, we've only filled a few slots
Right on I look forward to it
Still 11 spots to fill here.
lol still have to go over his points but he looked fine
Well put up a serious name character in the battle, and whoop the silly names right out of them...If your so inclined that is.
No worries we only have 4 spots filled so far
Spots are filling fast :D
Nice to see you again hunted :)
Sounds good
http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/arena-of-death-winter-war.10169/ New Arena of Death here
No problem, glad to get another of these going :)
Area of Death Winter War A new challenge was spread through all the lands, claiming to crown the most powerful warrior in the world. In the cold...
Alright I'll make one now.