Re: Volcanic Lizardmen Painting blog Now we just need a battle report where these guys fight the ice ones.
You guys up for a new one, I can start one.
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far. (LOTS o Images of Lust Very cool stuff, you did a tutorial for your river did you not? Can you link it?
They look great with the quills
Yep looks great, now get them shipped ;)
Payment Made
Craken - 20 Lustrous, 20 Scarab Jade/Gold can I change this to Craken - 20 Boreales, 20 Scarab Jade/Gold please
Not exactly sure how to pay you.
Wow that's a long wait
When do you receive the dice?
Still 8$ to Canada?
Craken Lustrous Green/white 20 Craken Scarab Jade/gold 20 Please and thanks
Lustrian? They don't really refer to themselves as anything else, in anything I've read anyhow. Saurus are saurus, skink are skink ect.
Any idea what shipping costs will be?
Craken - 10 - Scarab Gold But this depends on the price of them, may want more if cheap or if too expensive none at all.
Very nice, love the obsidian
I use them to block the flanks of my saurus or temple guard, or try to maneuver them to flank charge opponents. Other times I have used them to...
They spray paint isn't allowed to ship, see if you have a gw store close to you, they could order it in for you.
I like using them solo in a unit of 6. 2 ranks of 3. Find it far more successful then skrox
There I editied your posts so people could see. I found the Reptus line are a tad small than gw saurus, that's the only reason I don't use mine...