I like these. pretty cool stuff
My wishlist would be bring back sacred spawnings for saurus, and s5 kroxigor (s7 with gw)
This is a year old guys. Time to lock this I think.
Re: Next AOW lizardman Sweet, thanks
Re: Next AOW lizardman Right on, yeah I understand the base size doesn't leave much creative space. What's your new deviant id so I can watch...
Re: Next AOW lizardman So this one will be on the scale of a kroxigor again? Was hopping it was suitable for a saurus on foot. Anyways looks...
I painted mine black, then I highlighted the raised portions with a medium level gray, then I finished it with a gloss coat.
I played one for Pathfinder, I played him sort of like a predator (from the movies) Deadly, brutal, yet noble and honorable.
Ya I have him planned to buy when I get money, which may not be for a while. Especially where I don't normally run a saurus hero on foot. But I...
Not too much going on in the world of Lizardmen, from a warhammer stand point either. As well, things slow in summer.
Or you can just click the link under my signature that says Craken's lizards, above the gold metal. ^_^
This has been over for about a year, so I will now lock this thread
Oh yeah another tip, leave the arms till after, the head and tail are done it makes it hard to work otherwise, also, the unit does take a little...
I just made a new batch of 30 and I'm going to put a step by step guide, when I get to it. This is it in a nutshell. 1) I gut the necks of the...
Looking good, like to see more.
I play both. Dwarfs are a power army, they have imo the strongest shooting phase in any army, and are competent in dispelling and close combat as...
To answer the why not carnies, it's simple. The Slann is a far more survivable lord choice and it fills many rolls perfectly. That being said,...