ok im a bit late for the party here but sure lookit. just wanted to say that the back armour on this guy looks awesome, one of those things where...
this is a great idea! im waiting on 3 of those oop krox to arrive from ebay atm... exciting :smug: i think you've done a great job on the...
Thank you, any feedback is always welcome :smug: as usual i seem to be agreeing with dyvim tvar.. :D very nice colour scheme and very clean...
http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/posting-images.1648/ heres how to upload pictures!
i would say that a brown wash on all your golds and bone, and maybe a watered black wash on the silver areas to add depth and shading would...
n810's colour for the scales looks great, still the same colour as the skin but just slightly darker. maybe add another wash or two to the scales...
^ i was about to say this too! great colour scheme, nice and subdued which i like, also very realistic horns on the slaans throne :smug:...
oh, one more thing! what i do for my models is: the larger the creature the darker it is. so saurus are painted using the same colours as skinks...
I agree with this. one cohesive colour for skin and one for scales, i would keep any variations to patterns as Dyvim Tvar said, or spot colours,...
sounds good! dont forget to post the pics when they're finished :smug:
Re: CONVERTED OLDBLOOD / (RE)PAINTING BLOG quick update, 13 skinks are about a third of the way done.. but since i have nothing new to actually...
these look great, very unique theme and colour scheme. i really like the bases, they look realistic and complement the painting. great stuff!
anyone know what issue??
if you want to retain the red colour on your cold ones maybe red skin and black scales?
Re: CONVERTED OLDBLOOD / (RE)PAINTING BLOG very little work done since the last post, but tomorow im hoping to get my unit of saurus painted......
Re: Sealterbloind's Paint Log just discovered this log today, very thorough work on finding a colour scheme. personally my two favorite saurus...
Re: CONVERTED OLDBLOOD / (RE)PAINTING BLOG almost finished the painting, some bits still have to be done on the weapon and other small bits need...
Re: The Venom Legion of Quetza (Salamanders and Terradon add looking good stormfrog! that terradon is awesome love the colours :smug:
Re: The Venom Legion of Quetza (CoK, BSB and Saurus added) great reading!! :smug: and great models to match! the vibrant green suits your fluff...
Re: CONVERTED OLDBLOOD / (RE)PAINTING BLOG @Dyvim Tvar, thanks for the feedback! the moss and clump foliage on the bases will probably have to be...