Faction focus SCE They get the following: General abilities: Deepstrike, like always Ressurect a 1 destroyed unit with 2 or more models once....
A new overview before the faction focus Apparently GW now uses racial and role-based stats. With humans being the average with a 4+/4+ baseline...
Sure, you can play on a board that's so tiny that movement no longer matters. But,that doesn't change the fact that the spearhead is comparativly...
Sure, but now it's 1-2 MW assuming you keep your entire spearhead in combat constantly. Even in the small scale of a spearhead game that's pretty...
Predatory fighter does a max of 1 MW per enemy unit per turn? That is absurdly bad. Should it not be "roll a dice per model in combat" or...
I like most of the skaven, but I can't say I'm a fan of putting the clawlord on a mount. It kind of removes the cowardly aspect if he's riding a...
O sure, it's one of the more popular WHF factions. I'm just surprised there's enough people cosplaying WHF to make it worth it at all, since I...
Kustom build obviously...
Terrain rules Models can now jump off cliffs. Unclear if there is going to be fall damage. Only faction terrain can be destroyed, which feels...
How random. Most of the cosplay tends to be space marines. Not empire.
Sure, but I'd also kinda expect the shieldbearers to be the one to make the shields. And thus be motivated to protect himself :p Plus, if nothing...
It's that wonderfull time of the year again; price-hikes. Really makes you wonder what kind of razorthin profitmargins they think are operating...
Nice models, utterly pointless in terms of the rules they revealed though... As an aside; why is their pavise triangle shaped and not pavise...
Twists & battle tactics. Honestly, it seems a bit much? Having the effects be better than your average spell/ability on a random minor hero seems...
Spearheads The spearheads themselves aren't that interesting, its just combat patrols for AoS. But they reveal some new (simplified) warscrolls....
A MSU of skinks is only going to score like 0.4 hits/round of shooting or something. So skinks still aren't relevant thanks to their non-existant...