Endless spells are basically summonable units now. On the one hand; I guess this is good. It allows them to do "regular" attacks, as opposed to...
New prosecutors The wings look better than the old design. Also, apparently abilities now have an equivalent to ward-saves where you can just...
[ATTACH] Shorter range, less rend, no crits on sixes, no "more warp power" to turn that D3 into a 3, no sniper rule. Sure, the maximum damage...
24" 2/3+/3+/-2/D3, with critical hits on 6's, and with his "more warp energy" rule turning that D3 into a flat 3 most of the time. And on top of...
Battleplans and GHB and stuff They seem to be playing around with different scoring-schemes for different battleplans and such. Like a 10 point...
I mean, minor support heroes tend to have 4-6 wounds and usually a pretty bad save, and there's plenty of spells and other nonsense that...
Honestly, I'd hope not. Rules like this need to be rare (or preferably, just not exist...) for the new "look out sir" rule to be relevant...
And the new skaven model. It has a silly amount of damage on its ranged attack for a minor ranged hero. It has "totally not mortal wounds" on...
Honestly, it's a mystery why damage from a single attack carries over in AoS. It really messes with the design-space for attacks... Would love to...
Honestly, the differences are suprisingly minor when ti comes down to it.... I know this isn't going to happen. But please god use critical...
The issue with that is that you can still get killed by random AoE, and given that some heroes have only 4-5 wounds that can still be done...
I mean; just don't make such broken spells in that case? Or put restrictions on the super powerfull spells. But the fact that two basic casters,...
Nah, that rule is rather silly too. Though at least it's only half as silly as the rule of one :p
Command abilities in 4e Couple of things: - O god more rule of one bullshit. - Everything can use command abilities now. No more need for heroes...