most likely just a grandma or uncle thinking they found a good box for lil Timmy.
Well just the cardboard would be more affordable I guess :p
It is a rather nice box.
meh, it's literally just a chaos dwarf but slightly more sci-fi-y, it's not exactly novel or terribly interesting. Not that Vashtorr is...
meh, I kinda like some of the silly nonsense the admech got. It's a weird steampunky mix that somehow works. In that sense, putting one on stilts...
Sure, they might be going for FOMO. But they do provide a decent selection of terrain for 40K and LOTR, at least for some thematic battlefields....
To be honest, the most confusing thing about GW's terrain kits is that they are phased out so quickly, which means that if you want to build a...
Meh, given the cost of terrain boxes, and the relative small amount of stuff you tend to get in a box, doing some DIY is kinda mandatory if you...
Look this is going in circles, is getting really boring, and is becoming annoyingly predictable. So moving on. I mean, I spend like 200,- a year...
Even "meaningless" votes tend to have tangible effect due to the fact that over time they shift politicians/parties on particular topics in...
The difference with an election is that you actually get a vote with some meaningfull power attached to it (or well.. assuming you have a halfway...
O sure, it can always happen. People just tend to forget that companies need to take things reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally far before they...
For clarity; I'm not saying you should buy whatever nonsense companies push at whatever absurdly high price they ask. You'll have to decide for...
Nah, it's not that interesting to discuss. The three sentences we spend on that "scandal" is already more attention than it deserves. I mean,...
The issue is that that sorta thing only really happens when a company does something truly extreme (or in the case of Bud, when something gets...
"Voting with your wallet" has rarely actually achieved much since you hold extremely little power. Both in the sense that your individual vote...
Honestly, what bothers me more than the outreagous prizes and arbitrary paywalling is what she mentions at the very start. Stuff becomes obsolete...
The fact that I couldn't find him on the GW website and repeatedly scrolled past the box containing him speaks volumes about how similar they all...
One of the options is just without the crew? That's a tad underwhelming, I like the over the top nonsense with the crew. The individual models...
I suppose, but given how similar they are it's barely noticeable. You're not going to be able to tell them apart unless you look up close.