Cute baby magmadroth. Also, I like the guy who's wearing a magmadroth hat. I think that might be the first fyreslayer model ever without a mohawk.
Ah, could be, the switch to 10th is fairly recent I guess. Just remember a white dwarf article where they expressed frustration at people playing...
Wasn't that only if you use the colours of an official faction so as not to confuse an opponent? I thought that as long as you avoid the whole...
@NIGHTBRINGER already pointed out how KO are actually quite varied. As for ironjawz they benefit from being part of a larger orruk faction. But...
O, incompetence is definitely a part of it as well. But since it tends to happen repeatedly to the same factions (e.g. the various Elves tend to...
O definitly, but those financial incentives mostly hold for the more large scale expansion type updates, when they release a new wave of multiple...
Hopefully has an alternate head.
Like in pretty much every other company, the higher ups don't actually know the subject, and rely on middle managers and senior designers to tell...
O the dollar has final say, but individual managers and designers will always have some freedom to play favorites. Especially when it doesn't...
O sure, it's by no means an insurmountable task. Just saying that where other factions naturally leave some room for new and exciting additions...
I mean, having them only be able to control their mounts while within their king's domain (or at least area of influence if the king goes on the...
Magmadroths are the literal only exception. But even that GW screwed up by having the "juveniles" be ridden by runesons, as opposed to having them...
Yeah, I doubt they'd ever become truly popular since the focus on "Angry naked dwarf with a big axe" kind of limits the faction to a rather...
Wait, they're distinguishing between French and Canadian French? As if regular French isn't already enough of a disaster of a language.
well that's a rather silly law. Meh, like others have said; the bigger problem is just that it looks generic. It could be any vaguely evil...
O that's going to be annoying to paint if those are common on their models.
The army box also worked well thematicly, though that one's probably a bit expensive for a start collecting box. But yeah, hopefully we'll see...
Honestly, it's a great model. The only downside is that it's resin, but the design is gorgeous.
An old oldblood on carnosaur: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Honestly; more or less the same, at least as far as the general population will be concerned, just with less tech-bros and linkedIn-guru's hyping...