Some more work down on the wings. [ATTACH]
Yeah thats a really good idea. The stuff I was forgetting really was like the rerolls on saves, or hit and wounds, or rerolls of 1's ... things...
I usually try and glue as much as I can before painting. I decided to leave the wings off because the fleshy part of the wings will be a pinkish...
So I played a second game with the Seraphon. We did about 1700 SDK points, so i went from a little to a ton of points! This time around I played a...
Hey guys I got my next commission job this weekend. This is again from Warmachine Hordes, they are pretty cool models. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
LOL I wanted to do green to make it more Wood Elf-ish. I dont play LoL so I don't really have any connection to that character. I just found that...
Ya no issue with the priest because its a Priest not a Wizard. I dont think we will do that scenario for sometime. I will keep you guys in the...
I can see it hahahaha! [img]
I dont know all that much about Seraphon yet but does running warrior with a sungod also give them a battalion like buff that makes them a very...
Ugh I wanted to finish up yesterday but couldnt. Hopefully I will have time to paint today and call this done! [ATTACH]
My buddy didnt want to bring any shooters so I didn't, or else I may have grabbed a unit of chameleon skinks. Yes this was a basic list, but he...
Hopefully sooner then later!
Thanks, i don't consider myself a try hard either, but my main AoS group thinks anyone who tries at all is a try hard lol.
Ya the thing is my friends already call me a "try hard", because I actually read the rules and try to synergize. I am not the best army build but...
The would have to be one massive game, and your basically bringing things back to Warhammer Fantasy by doing that.
I was finally able to play my first game with the Seraphon. It was nothing huge, I believe it was 35 wounds in total, no monsters, no wizards. I...
Yes I had to take a change of pace. I finished the highlights on this guys as well a the skulls on their heads as well as shields, etc. I started...
Had some free time so I base coated 40 Temple Guard.... Ill be honest... not looking forward to these guys. [ATTACH]
Finished up this Hordes army! Going to work on 40 Temple Guard for a couple of weeks, then I should be working on more Hordes from the same...
They are from a Hordes army, I believe they are called Warspears. They are very cool looking. Not much luck needed using the airbrush, ive been...