Haha Ok sounds good!!
[ATTACH] I hope I am not posting to much in this blog. ADMIN's if I am just let me know and I will cut it down. Here is some progress on the...
Thanks! It was mostly all Vallejo Air and a few GW paints (for hand brushing)
I agree somewhat. I am not sure i like it being on all fours. I guess if it was on 2 legs it would look to much like a T Rex haha Skink...
Oh I well! Going to try and knock out the Priest and Warden first. I have a commission coming up for a quite a few pieces from infinity so I may...
[ATTACH] I picked these guys up at Adepticon on Saturday. Going to use the guys with the blow darts as Chameleon Skinks. The Saurus Guard in back...
I went to Adepticon yesterday! Got a surprised to show you all tomorrow :)!!! Ill post pics soon
Very cool! I love the green stuff work, thats definitely one thing i need to practice more.
I have no but I will definitely look into it!! Thanks for the suggestions!
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Next projects are a Eternity Warden a priest! Gotta love finecast.... had to make 1/3 of an arm... grrrrr. Other then that the...
Hey I don't have a blog yet. I do have my other works posted here, which is like my dakka blog I guess:...
Yes even now im like.. I could have done this or that.. but in reality if I added one even more stuff I could have been working on this for weeks...
Wow thanks that means a lot!
Its funny. Some people love the color of the first and some the second... its like a 50/50 split. I'm happy I picked these color schemes! Thanks...
Thanks man I appreciate it! I love the models but they are going to be hellish to transport without breaking stuff off... Im using the biggest GW...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Finally done guys let me know what you think! Next up.. Skink Priest!
I would be interested ! PM me!
Thanks, I kno its kinda hard to see, because its from my phone, when they are done I will take studio shots. The Alpha skinks ( i think thats what...