=== Lizardmen [2000 pts] Warhammer: The Old World, Lizardmen === ++ Characters [596 pts] ++ Slann Mage-Priest [325 pts] - Hand weapon - General...
Your general has a leadership of 6, ouch. Or does the champion Saurus end up the general? Haha You can't take vanguard multiple units Spear are...
Would have said chief on a Steg but yep. Also ruby ring is YT's darling but it's never been that good for me.
Great response and a few notes a) the magic and my rating were about the Slann picking a lore. A lot your ratings (e.g. oaken Sheild) were based...
I was just thinking, was the 20-0 win battle 2 in the rulebook when even a close game is scored 20-0?
Dragons fly over the crystal column. They do not impede the dragons whatsoever. So in what way do you mean that spells helps against dragons? Can...
I agree broadly with this but I disagree with less Saurus and more skinks. 13 Saurus is nothing. I'd bump it up. Understand if you want to remove...
Thinking about some more lessons from yesterday's game I think 20 is a minimum for Saurus. They need to hold and they have spears and if they are...
Errata! I need to print a new copy. I didn't factor that in yesterday
Thanks! PS. Sorry wouldn't that be +2 passive combat res?
[SPOILER] We got the battle where you set up 18 inches apart and it's game over when you hit 25% unit strength for the army Deployment I like...