That steg helm with the galatic gemstone thing is amazing one of the best things I've seen In awhile
Lowest I think I can go is 80 it's such a nice model and the size and paint job is great. want it to get to a good home
Thanks I love thingieverse for files
@Unoalazar what software are you using is it free? I've never tried 3D modling and would like a go too
@Unoalazar Sorry I sold my lizardmen off printing for a friend :)
Loving this army makes me want my lizards back but I must resists :).
Funnily enough I just finished printing the battering ram from thingiverse :) thanks for the thread
I have 2 FDM printers if anyone has files they don't mind sharing :) or if you want something printed UK I can do that for you for postage and...
Was looking for around 100 if anyone is keen we can talk
[ATTACH] Current state is tongue and afew of the top feather tips need re-gluing.[ATTACH] I have the parts to send with the model. as you can...
Hey @Aginor Just seen a lizardmen blood bowl team on my Fb [ATTACH] Haven't investigated the link but seems like you'll have a lizardmen team soon
Nice blood bowl team I'm not familiar with the game but they look nice. I've seen lots of teams about when I'm model searching :).
So I stole my sisters phone to take some photos of the work @Deed525 did for me but turns out I didn't get hardly any of them in focus. I'll get...
Build your own company :) or at least get together to do a kickstarter or something :D
The best thing to remember is that people want your sculpts without the Cranes-blerpshop tag on them
Also I truly believe Cranes-blerpshop are the creators of their own demise it's been slow and drawn out so far but I don't know how long they have...
Don't forget any and all posts not limited to lustria-online after this post are now owned by cranes-blerpshop and there's no gaurntee of a...
As a consumer I've been put off them several times, one time a guy wouldn't let 5p go on a paint pod where the previous store manager gave me free...
Beyond disgusting will source models elsewhere always now.