I had a skink on the old metal LOTR eagle they look pretty awesome to be honest and that was unpainted. I'd try hunt some of these models down...
Super cool conversion nicely done, I do feel the hand feels alittle small but overlooked when you apprechiate the model as whole
I'm not here to judge but dying to know whether that's a spring roll or a dog biscuit on the floor behind xD
[ATTACH] Picked up one of these pirate ships for £1.00 at my local charity shop :D such a great purchase. Missing one of the sails and some...
Hello Everyone I've sold most of my collection and not really into the Warhammer hobby as such anymore but I have lots of figures and things to...
I swapped out LOTR for DR who for 2 reasons - the hobbit parts are a joke (just my opinion I mean I know the hobbit is meant as a childrens book...
I love the creativity and all the little touches you ad in to your scenerry
Amazed by everything in this thread will be watching :)
Hey, that sounds perfect :) If you PM me your address I'll send you some so you can work your magic :)
As I say love that it's all gone to a good home :D just seen some of your progress with the bits looking great so far.
good to see them being loved and in use - especially love the old Slann standards giving a throwback to the old age stuff. The champion you have...
Hello everyone, I am looking for 2-3 UK based participants to help me. I will send you free of charge some of the skulls below you can keep...
@NIGHTBRINGER - Got all my warmasters because they haven't sold yet so unsure whether just to keep those too. Also I have just a Starmaster and a...
Sold most of them now very sad about it but life goes on kept some back so can re0kindle my interest at a later date
Gw have not been for a long time player/customer friendly/focused which is why all the other custom models and companies can easily take a pop at...
Yeah They're clearly rip off items but they're good variations on the model like the Slann for which there Isn't much variety to be had.
All hail the Slann king :)
Nice concept poor Slann tho :(
They're both pretty decently painted too so I don't really wanna drop the price but need to make the sales so chucking all I can on ebay. Also...
So a lot of these have sold now but still some I've had to re-list on ebay - My FW Slann aren't getting any intrest I know they're quite high...