Is it possible to use AOO for the +1 to hit on a Bastiladon and still double-shoot him since the double-shooting occurs at the end of the phase?...
After my recent butt-whooping by Stormcast, I realized how much Seraphon have to rely on mortal wounds to do any damage, with multiple armies that...
Thanks as always for the excellent advice :) I'm not opposed to bringing Salamanders, just not able to spam them since I only have 3 of the...
Here's a view of the battlefield before I got completely crushed by the Stormcast Eternals, lol! It was a combination of my opponent's list...
Thanks very much for the advice. I've been learning the rules for Seraphon for a while now, to the point where I feel like I'm pretty confident in...
So I just had my first experience playing against Stormcast, and it was a complete slaughter. My opponent's list was this: Allegiance: Stormcast...
The Season of War: Thondia book comes with it's own battlepack with a new battalion and new grand strategies and battle tactics that focus on the...
AoS Coach has their breakdown of the Krondspine Incarnate up: [MEDIA]
Tomb Kinged?
Lol! I wonder if the term "Squatted" is going to go away, or if people will change it into another type of meme of some sort now that the Squats...
I personally don't think it sounds boring, but it's definitely overly complicated with it's rules. I think a standard wounds table with a...
I was really hoping it would be a new unique Endless Spell that everyone could use. Instead, it's a 400 point beast that can crush pretty much...
You're right! I think I had a Stegadon in there in the first draft and I forgot to change it after removing it! Thanks for catching that :)
So what do you all think of these list ideas? I have absolutely no idea about who will be playing what, this is the first time I've been to any...
I'm not sure I'm confident enough that I could do a conversion like that well yet, but it does sound like it would be fun to try! I also...
Hmm, maybe I could find an old Slann palanquin on Ebay with the Temple Guard bearers to use as his platform...
Thanks! I might leave it then, and just put a thin layer over some areas to try and even it up a bit. Now I just need to figure out a good base...
What makes me wonder about TOW is that it's supposed to be set a long time before the End Times garbage happened. I've heard people speculating...
And I've been working on painting a lot this weekend, lol! Here's a One Page Rules Slann. I'm not sure I like the Terradon Turquoise color I used...
I've already seen people online saying they're upset the Squats came back because it takes a win away from the Tyranids. I personally don't get...