My April goals: Get some base converters for my Woogity Kroxigors and finish their basing. Finish some Saurus Knights with Dark Elf Cold Ones...
Here's a non-Seraphon model I got done yesterday, an ally to my brother's Orruk/Gitz army. Goblin Skuttleboss on Giant Spider. The spider is based...
That's pretty cool, I bet people are really glad to see them back after such a long time!
This is why the Seasons of War idea is so weird. I know originally it sounded like each GHB would be a new set of realm rules, but now with an...
Seems like a really weird addition all around. Now, the whole "it can do 34 wounds!" thing is probably assuming max damage, meaning it would have...
Also some nice models from Cults3D (I think the Arcanodon has been posted before, but I just thought I'd share it again):...
One Page Rules is coming out with their Salamander and Razordon sculpts, and showed some concept art for Terradon Riders:...
Thanks! Contrast paints make everything easier, lol! I'm really looking forward to using him in a game soon!
Got another Kroxigor done. [ATTACH]
Didn't have the best day today, but painting this guy helped me get through it. Kroxigor Ancient, going to be a unit "leader" for my Kroxies, even...
Kroak is definitely pretty awesome. It's just that some people don't like that there's a chance he can kill himself on a miscast, is more likely...
Another Nighthaunt foot hero? He does look interesting, but the Nighthaunt seem to be pretty heavy on the foot heroes already. Hopefully he does...
Given that their name is "Craventhrone Guard" I'm guessing they'll get some sort of bodyguard rule? Although hopefully it's not just for Kurdoss....
Looking really good! Best of luck with your game!
Unfortunately, this seems to be exactly GWs intent. They know that certain units are getting played "too much," whether because they're just too...
I really do think just being a Forgeworld model is why it's not that great. Like everyone else is saying, GW (for some strange reason) wants to...
AoS seems like it's getting more love from GW right now because the constant output of new factions is most likely driving sales up by a lot. But...
PM me with an email address and I can send them as a Google Drive link :)
The gist of each one from my point of view is: Idoneth remain a very strong anti-shooting army and their Tides of Death is unchanged, and they...
AoS Coach has rules previews up for Idoneth and Fyreslayers: [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA]