Honestly surprised someone's still doing 40k animations after all the craziness around that part of the fandom lately. It looks really well done,...
Save stacking is something that a lot of people don't like. It's why the new rulebooks are either giving everything rend and high damage...
I personally think it's helpful when talking about changes to a unit to think of it in terms of "what does this unit need to perform it's job...
I know they're not exactly the same, but Raven Twin Miniatures has some Kroxigors inspired by the Woogity ones:...
Exactly. They don't need to be OP, but it should be worth bringing them. Right now even with buffs they are just a decent anvil but not a great...
Ok, here's what I came up with after that lame points increase :P Allegiance: Seraphon - Constellation: Thunder Lizard - Mortal Realm: Ghur -...
With the way AoS 3 works, I think they should just remove horde bonuses altogether. Just give the extra bonuses to the base warscrolls. With the...
There are a lot of ways they could make Saurus worth picking over Skinks. People just disagree on which buffs they would like better. 2 wounds on...
I'm pretty sure that the current state of the app is the free beta version and that they will paywall it eventually. The app will be included in...
What I think is more likely than giving us all those bonuses is that they remove a lot of stuff, but make our unit stats better in return....
Maybe Aspect Warriors are still to come? I know it's the kit that I hear Eldar players asking for all the time...
I know it's a lot, lol! But when I got into the hobby I went all-in on searching Ebay and sites like TheTrollTrader for cheaper, second-hand...
While I absolutely agree that we need new models, I'm still going to be slightly disappointed that I bought over 80 Saurus Warriors and around 120...
The rumors that have been circulating seem to think that Seraphon + Skaven are getting new models in 2023, so that would indeed be pretty awesome...
I'd love to see cheaper, "feral" versions of our dinosaurs similar to how they work in Total Warhammer. But that would require new sculpts as the...
As long as they do it right. If they're going to remove the majority of the subfaction abilities, then the base faction abilities need to be...
I was not aware of Maugan Ra's existence, lol! But you're right, it definitely could be him. If you look at the candle/book image closely, you can...
The crab was voted for purely for the meme factor. There was a big push on reddit forums to vote for the crab as mini of the year. Mostly for the...
Yep, definitely a lot of Eldar and Chaos Space Marines, at least one Ossiarch and Tyranid and maybe a Nighthaunt model. The Dark Elf is hard to...
Makes sense. I'm not up to date on the core FAQs, thanks!