From the wording of the core battalions where you get to use a command ability like all-out attack once per battle, it says you do it "without the...
From what I understand after starting a path to glory game myself is that you do get an extra enhancement from the warlord battalion, and it it...
Also if you're looking for that same tail it's kind of hit or miss but there are usually Seraphon bits for sale on Ebay.
It means that Hammerheads with railguns will be reliably able to take down heavy targets, and can relatively easily one-shot smaller vehicles and...
Thanks for the information! I guess the Hunters of the Heartlands is the way to go if you're not going for a one drop or a Warlord battalion :)
Found them randomly on Ebay! I was very lucky.
So the correct answer is that they are *not* useable in the Linebreaker or Alpha Beast Pack battalions when in Thunder Lizard?
Awesome! Thanks for the clarification @Killer Angel :D
Indeed. They could have just nerfed it like they did for all the others. I think it was really just because it was no longer bring produced so...
Generally the lack of shooting and speed mean that armies with good shooting can shoot Fyreslayers down before they can reach them. While their...
Eh, you're right. Probably a battletome update. But given the limited model range of each army, I wouldn't be surprised if they did get at least a...
Nice to have that confirmed! Looks like the typical one new hero per faction is still the norm, although the article says at the end that more...
Well, it's also out of production. So there's that as well. I kind of think that GW doesn't want to keep OOP models in the game since they...
Been a while, but here's what I've been up to: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Finished touching up and basing a Carnosaur!
Just thought I'd post a tournament top three list I came across: Surprised...
Here's another Path to Glory battle report! After the last run of terrible luck my Khorne opponent asked if he could re-work his list, since we...
Which was very unfortunate. It was one of the best endless spells. I guess they just didn't want to keep making it.