I’m confused by this... doesn’t it explicitly state that command abilities only affect attacks by the skink chief? So coordinated strike on...
I hate to break it to you, but the artefact absolutely is. The first artefact in a thunder lizard army HAS to be the fusil of conflagration. To...
Yup - all of the constellations lock down your artefact. It's even worse for the thunder lizard, as the command trait HAS to go to a model with a...
I'm afraid not. The 6+ from the astrolith bearer triggers when you allocate a wound to a unit; the Selfless Protectors rule triggers before,...
It has to be given to the 'first hero', so can be a Skink or a Slann too, either of which can actually work! Don't forget our EOTG and the...
Another small point of confusion - when picking between Coalesced or Starborne, the book notes that all units get the keyword, except those what...
So where do we stand on entering a Garrison while on a balewind vortex? As the caster and model are considered to be one unit, are they still 'on...
Already playing with the idea of a Ripper Chief with the venom dagger (fangs of Sotek). With even just hunters steed, the Skink Priest and...
Only this, the file that he HAS included, is not piracy in the slightest. It’s a helpful one-click alternative to the scrolls that are openly...
I haven’t got the pictures saved (didn’t realise they’d be going down) but as a starting point, from memory... 320 Kroak 270 Stegadon Skink...
Do we actually have the wording around placement of the terrain? Because these pre-reviews have been ‘inconsistent’ at best.
They knew what they were doing with the points changes (making Trogs good for summoning) and now this! How many start collecting boxes got built...
I'm sure you picked the right time to do it! Those engines might be snapped up, following today's preview! I'm looking for a dread saurian in the...
I guess we’ll need to wait to see the actual wording of the rule to confirm that... but if so, I think this alone makes us something of a hard...
Okay, so, on the topic of enemy faction terrain being the same as other terrain... What does this mean for this Coalesced ability? "You'll get...
I suspect this will be the case! I imagine the Slann or one of our lore spells, for example, may have a 'while garrisoned in a realmshaper engine'...
I actually disagree here. It's so very core to our fluff that the Slann is the most important thing on the table - it always has been. From...
I suspect the (mandatory?) artefacts and command traits will do more to determine which constellations are best. Similarly, I’ll be shocked if...
Are most mortal wound abilities even ‘attacks’? If caused by a spell or special ability, I’m not sure whether scaly skin will apply?
I’m loving this approach of “can’t please them all... or maybe we can?” If nothing else, it looks (so far), like the book won’t be short of...