We don’t know what summoning will be fluffed as yet. It may be that only those summoned by the Slann are ‘memories’, which I’d be perfectly okay with!
Hard to comment on the coalesced or constellations until we see how they play out. An interesting inference to me is that ‘how to make an army of...
I can’t believe how often this mistake comes up here... that was never how scaly skin worked! Sebbs is right, it was part of your calculated...
An all-monster army was top of my wish list! However, without some objective-based rules to back it up, we’ll just be summoning hordes of skinks...
The Saurus old blood ability is in the combat phase, add 1 to hit rolls for a nearby Saurus unit. Can only be benefitted from once per phase.
Other insights.. - “Extend Astromatrix” token. Sounds far more like tech than it does a spell. - We’re no longer daemons - Balewind is also a...
Based on what...? Or is this speculation?
I'm having a lot of 'fun' playing against the new Tzeentch book... to say it seems broken is an understatement. I wondered if people had found any...
So the Sylvaneth update (regarding the delay) only happened because there was something of an uproar... makes me wonder what channels are...
I had actually missed that one! I only ever use the solar engine.
I know there is very little point discussing specific tactics until our tome comes out. However, I wondered whether people had thought about good...
Welp, it’s what I was hoping for!
I feel like they’ll either have to reveal a model or endless spells that we don’t know about, OR it’ll be a juicy insight either rules or...
They're regular. Time for us all to take a moment to appreciate our (relative) sanity and education, and move on.
"No longer available online" only happens to revealed tomes when the release is imminent. Sunday it is! I don't think we have ever seen 'retired'...
Take it from a scientist: modern day science is exactly what it needs to be. The very nature of science is that through peer review and efforts to...
So, predictions rather than hopes: Battleline options: There will be a subfaction that allows either our flyers, stegadons or bastiladons to be...
It’s entirely possible that we end up being dealt a bad hand, but unless the fixes fall drastically short, we should actually be able to play the...
Someone also asked about endless spells. The response was: “The Slann may have other tricks up their... well they don’t have sleeves, but they...