[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Just finished my Bearer.
Ok thanks I'll take a look
Your customization skills are awesome. Great job love them.
I want one lol
Is that an older model cause I've looked for that one and can't find it on the GW site?
Loving those bases
Alright thanks for the help I've been struggling to make good lists I'm still fairly new playing AOS and still learning how things work together.
Battle against britonia heavy knight army usually, what type of list would work against them?
General Old blood on carno - 320pts Heros Warden - 140 Sunblood - 120 Scar vet on cold one - 100 Skink priest - 100 Skink star priest - 100...
Yeah it from my phone so probably not the best quality of pics. But thanks, really enjoyed painting this one.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] My skink star priest
My jungle killers all done
That model is my next project, think I'm inspired now haha
Haha so was just going to take a quick look at your gallery, ended up going through every page just couldn't stop truly amazing work. Great job
Wow love it
Wow those look awesome
That looks awesome