I sure hope so! I'd hate to see GW take a massive loss on this, because it'd mean bad news for Fantasy at large. I've gotta hand it to 'em... they...
I don't think that wounds have to become the new, lone currency... it's all still fresh, but I think that a combination of roster slots & a wound...
I'm the last to be blindly optimistic, but, again, chaff is still a thing! And skinks are especially good at it with their hit & run abilty! Plus,...
I think that your sentiment reflects the same problems that the old system had: a meta that asks, "why would I take Saurus when I could take TG?"...
Just taking a shot in the dark here, but couldn't two players balance it as follows..?: "2 battalions max, 5 warscrolls max, 40 wounds per unit...
As much as I disliked the expansion, Ultima Online introduced a mount like this in its Age of Shadows subrelease called a 'Swamp Dragon' that was...
Solardon or EotG, then a super-powered Soul Quench... that's the only "all-comers" option I can think of. Do you normally field Slann? Aside from...
For me, the amount of frustration that its bound spell doles out to my opponents is priceless, and the passive buff ain't-too-shabby. They let...
The thought of two Stegadons, a Bastiladon, a Troglodon, and a Scarnosaur all bumping into eachother and "linking arms" to form some massive...