I suppose I saw us as pure neutral before, maybe Lawful Neutral or Neutral Good... now, I'm not sure. Hmm..
Ugh, god yes
No no, although that battalion does kick serious butt. As for the Oldblood, our OB has gone from being "OLDBLOOD SMASH!!!" to "OB-Wan Ken-OB." ;)...
I've found better at the MD Renaissance Festival. It cost less, too. Not a dig at the Ren Fest, either (which I love). Those cups are, as you...
Range is huge. I go with the war-spear, usually. OB can dish out attacks without having to take attacks back in the right combats when...
He ate all of his Khorne when he was growing up.
A DEAL'S A DEAL, PAL! You get a like. :D I agree, though... excited to try my Trog. If one manages to summon it into play at 9" away and it...
After reading the lists, it sounds like you took a lot of high-end choices, where he didn't field many. I mean no offense because I have no idea...
As long as you have that Troglodon avatar, I will Like every post of yours that I see. Long-live the Trog! ... which is an AWESOME warscroll in...
Parasaurolophus :)
"If you're gonna roll, roll outta this!" [img] KEYWORD: Garth the Cupmaster, Godzi-- Dread Saurian, Instant Nostalgia :cool:
... Well... no, actually... :rolleyes::oops::bag:
What the hell is a dice shaker? Do we need one? My two hands work just fine. o_O "Is that an offical GW dice shaker?" "Well, no... I'm just...
It's Nagash, though... I think every army has one of these ridiculous characters, including us. He was broken in 8th, too. I hate to the employ...
That seems to be the case, yeah - it keeps fighting until it opts to retreat. As far as its Bravery score's function, that's tough to say. I've...
I meant Battleshock specifically but, yeah, they don't take Battleshock tests. By the wording, they can't.
Well, sure... but it's a two-player game, ultimately, and it comes back The Most Important Rule. If you and your opponent are in concordance and...
Exactly. If you have another unit within 3" (this tends to become common), then they cannot chase you... and you can shoot them to bits. This is...
Haven't done those solely, but I reckon you're onto something so long as the wound caps are set unit-wide and armywide.
Anything goes in this new setup - it's up to you and your opponent to decide how to build lists. Here's a decent guideline that's been working...