Before everything, I haven't tried summoning yet. These are my thoughts, however: A lot of characters aren't as hardy as they used to be, but...
Glorious Victory, p.2 ... "Models added to your army during the game (for example, through summoning, reinforcements, reincarnation and so on) do...
Overall impressions?
Bloodroar: The roar of a Carnosaur can cause even the most daring warrior to turn and flee. If your opponent takes a battleshock test for a...
Hey, guys! Gonna get a test game in sometime tonight or tomorrow morning. I maxed the wound-per-army cap on both armies because, frankly, my...
Right... auto-death for the model if it runs. Bad news for multi-wound models. Great news for Carnosaur. :p
Did you know that AoS... "DOES NOT SERVE -- IT RULES!?" [img] :p
Don't forget that we aren't using ranks anymore. There are going to be a lot more Saurus getting into combat than Ogres... Ogres only have a 1"...
Cool! Is this a GW product or third party?
I have a couple of predictions as to what's gonna happen, but we'll see! I think that although Ogres deal out a lot of damage, they'll struggle...
Teach me your secrets, o sage!! :D
Let's hope that it turns out that way! 300 pictures down, 500+ more to go... x_x
Haha it's ok. 25 years old and I still can't beat this game: [img]
Later tonight, hopefully. Busy at the moment.
You're welcome! Well, I'm an INTJ... so the moment they came out, I've been obsessing over the base rules and armybooks, trying to strike a...
I've designed a number of lists for a few different armies using the method that I've been posting here-and-there, and they all seem pretty...
...? Looks like it can... I'm not finding any contradictions, anyway.
I can't really make sense of a game where biped lizards throw javelins that turn into meteors at men who pretend to ride mechanical horses that...
Another thing to consider is forcing Battleshock on low Bravery units... if you affect your opponent's Bravery enough, you're getting free mortal...