Well, his ability to boost Saurus' move by 3" gives them a 7 or 8" move stat (possibly the highest in the game for infantry of that class?), he's...
It's good to see that the tabletop version finally matches the fearsome warriors of our fluff. :p
Well, he is Nagash... o.O
Did you know that Sunleech Bolas are poorly worded? CHOOSE WISELYl!: "Sunleech do D6 wounds! It's not in the weapon profile, but in the...
The Saurus Host is brutal.. looking at these books, not much can stand up to it head-to-head. I think most melee would go a little something like...
Presently, no. I don't, because from what I've noticed across armies is that battalions appear to be the new Core (to an extent). Because Core was...
Best of luck!
Points given in 9th??
Thanks, Red Devil. In time, I'm going to come up with some templates for standard games. The "take 2" that I posted in the spoiler seems to work...
My friends and I have agreed on what seems to be a decent balancing system so far. Its basic form goes as follows: x battalions (these are the...
Seems they don't stack... same deal as the Solar Engine thing of 8th.
Yep - when attacking, you attack with all melee weapons (in combat) and all missile weapons (when shooting) in the model's possession.
They're worth it in the battalion, the Saurus Host. I wouldn't take them as an individual warscroll, though. This assumes that you and your...
Hey, guys. That gibberish is short for 1 Battalion, 5 Warscrolls, 40 Wounds per Unit max, 225 Wounds per army max. I think that using those...
Right - the entries at the end of the armybook. As for 'forming news ones,' I reckon that you don't. Those look to be there to specifically give...
The javelins count as melee, too. They're listed twice - once under missile, once under melee.
ETC & Swedish make me puke.
^ They beat me to it. I was just finishing my post - bleh! I see where you're coming from, otherwise. The roles still appear slightly different...
Miiiiight be fluff & paint, juuust sayin'... :p
Unless they're liable to be ripped to shreds... :P