To the OP, That's how I viewed it as well. You receive NO warscroll benefits unless you field that warscroll, including summoning.
I agree. Points just won't cut it here. Yet, that's the same as it's always been with a point-based currency. "Why bring Saurus Warriors, when...
I dig it, brother. Nice write-up, hdctambien.
I'd keep the bases the same size. An x mm diameter round base should fit inside the appropriate x mm square base, y'know? If you're feeling...
Just trying to bring Balance to the Force. ;D
The tactics are there, man... a summoned Arkadon (easy) will devastate a group of warmachines. If they're not clustered, there's a tactic for...
Crewmembers can be targeted now, they can only be taken in groups of 3 per artillery piece, and they are incredibly weak (aside from the cover...
"No special warscrolls," "1 special warscroll per army," "special warscrolls count as two/three warscrolls" Ultimately, upon inplementing that...
It's really not much for us to get our characters to 2+ saves, and I'm sure that there's something available for re-rolling 1's while saving....
Lizards getting nixed entirely, Bretonnia slashed, only six playable factions, armybooks getting nuked, ranges cut, scale change, elves combined, etc.
Well... I like it! All of the battalions that I've seen look like they've got pretty similar power levels so, again, balancing it with a mechanic...
I think that both players agreeing to: 'x battalions, x warscrolls, x wounds per unit max, x wounds per army max' is a good place to start. "2...
I'd have to assume that my charge range is 7", right? 2d6 for charge range, usually a 7, etc. So if two units are 11" away, and we both have a...
I'd assume that models which are out of range can't shoot, since everything is so weapon-intensive and model-by-model now.
It sounds that way so far, yes.
Since charging no longer occurs at the beginning of the turn, it sounds like failing a charge in AoS is equally - if not more - devastating.
I could have used the wrong terms, so I apologize if I did. In any case, what I'm trying to convey is that the armies of WHFB have different...
How are you pricing abilities, unit composition, armywide cohesion, weapon options, battalion availability, etc. into this? Isn't this also...
I've been going through books, and some of the rules for Giants, Kairos Fateweaver, and Wulfrik are just amazing.. xD Kairos Fateweaver:...
Yes -- this is a bother for me, too. That said, I play a lot of traditional games... and this release screeeeeams add-ons & expansions, you know?...