Make them more ragged and squiggly...fractal looking? Take a look at that twitter feed, random, bot drawn, map-every-hour, thing. Use that to...
Wait, what? What did I just see?
Tzlatoc to the dark tower came... :sorry: ...that’s all I’ve got. :angelic:
Pro Tip: I have seen Julie Guthrie do this exact technique when sculpting dragon wings. It is what the pros do.
Smallest change with the biggest consequences: One pistol misfires and jams. The pistol was wielded by J.W. Booth, the actor. Abraham Lincoln...
I want the Lego treehouse.
Exactly. The Royal Mint is an ‘oyster bed’ of unusual size and quality. There are several species of mollusk in there. Different species create...
I have KoW 2. (I did know the KoW acronym.) It had a guideline a little different from that, but mostly the same. Is the way you explained it the...
KOW System? What aspect of it were you thinking?
I agree with all of that. To succeed this new game needs to: Welcome back Folk that never rebased their square cornered armies. Welcome in...
In the first iteration of its rules Yes square bases were allowed. Then in a wicked, vile, customer betraying, rage inducing, transparent act of...
Do you pay a 00 agent, mission completion bonuses? or something? In other words is newly minted 002 paid less (extremely good base pay) than...
I recall the Jason and the last two Argonauts did pretty well against the Skeletons even with swords. (In the movie anyway.) I can’t remember...
Eyeball motif, sure it sounds fine. Mountains dictate climate strongly in proportion to their altitude. (The top can be arctic, the lower slopes...
*** pokes at website *** Looks like there are only four colours available in Italy. If you try it...