Daur sounds too dour to be elvish (but what do I know?) The Google English -> Irish translator came up with coillearnacha When my input was...
When and how did you make the flame markers?
[IMG] Yes it will.
How big is your Temple Guard unit / how small are we thinking this is? [IMG] Looks like at least 150 x 125mm at the top? That is my guess. (28 TG...
Picture? Everyone likes dog pictures...
I wonder if there are diffferent configurations of pieces to use on the top. Optional pillars and glyphs, extra bricks, maybe a Slann dock..?
@Lord-Marcus Nevermind. I looked up “hammer pants” and learned that a Hallmark Feature of them is tight, narrow, tapered, ankles. So not what the...
What are hammer pants? Do those have another name I might recognize? Why is barding on horses at all questionable? Silver helms had barding, I...
No one will ever know. They don’t live long enough to find out. Trolls always die of dumbass causes long before they have any chance to get Old....
@Ivor when you wrote ingame which game did you mean? Are you a Warhammer Total War computer gamer? If anything labeled “Behemat” turns out to...
A spawning Pool is so easy to build from scratch...they are better off making things that don’t cause customers to think “...£40?!? ...I could...
If that applied retroactively it might de-Slann @NIGHTBRINGER :wideyed:
A random dungeon with two entrances is a good solution to being trailed by hostile Orcs. Duck in one entrance, wend their way through a mostly...
A better name than Zotz must be found: [MEDIA] [IMG]
Drop Bear Handler's Suit: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-01-13/uk-journalist-pranked-into-holding-a-drop-bear-during-bushfires/11863942
I did some research: Undirmyrk Unterheim Allamaanen Which is to say I tinkered with auto/translators for inspiration. Regarding “Myconids”......
I haven’t had any sort of an idea for this theme yet... That is how my process works ...if it works.
I have seen 1-7 but I hope to see the ending at some point.
Random Terrain for the Underearth Battlefield Or Encounter Area (The 2-24 D12 Version.) 2) River 3) Stream 4) Small Lake 5) Pool 6) Chasm 7)...
Random Terrain for the Underearth Battlefield Or Encounter Area Rearrange the order of these or add items to suit. (A 2-24 Chart is a thought!)...