I guess because you don’t want to bother teleporting back? Maybe have a two ●● spell that can teleport a Raven? Or messenger bird of choice. But,...
Speak with Dolphins has got to be a one ● Spell. Being able to communicate with porpoises might be a generic inherent ability of many undersea...
I found a really interesting blog entry on the webpage belonging to the USS Constitution Museum. (Later I’ll add a link to it in this post from a...
I was pretty sure it was used as a setting in a Bond Film. (( goes to look )) Skyfall ... Daniel Craig era...
If I have a paint blog thread...I don’t have a bookmark to it. ~~~~~~~ Edit ~~~~~~~ But now :writing: I do:...
[ x ] Draw an Avatar for Kcibrihp-Esurc [ _ ] Draw or Photozap an Avatar for Dreamer74 ...........I kinda have an idea. Need better software to...
Any thoughts on theme or style? I saw Dreamer74 a number of places on social media when I searched just now. Are any of them also yours? Edit:...
Why? I might could have a go...
@Kcibrihp-Esurc [ATTACH] This is 192x192
@Kcibrihp-Esurc [ATTACH] This is 360x400 (hmmmm, probably too big...)
Dislike. :( What is the preferred proper size for these? 400x400?
Yes. That is correct. They are likely good friends with at least one Mermish Kingdom though. Trading partners with others. (A pair of Mermish...
Typical TV show getting the science wrong.
Did some research: [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I saw a bunch of references to it being green, but the cheese part is certainly wrong. (Maybe that’s a fairy tale.. o_O ) That graphic I found...
@Kcibrihp-Esurc I had to look this up, ...I thought I remembered a green-cheese Moon. [IMG] That was wrong. @n810 ...you haven’t posted a...
The Sea Elves of Nerymer** are the descendants of Elves from a distant island colony who survived the Second Unmaking by making pacts with Seals,...
Up high at altitude where Kenku can fly (or at least breathe) and lesser races (all the others) do poorly. Kenku share an ability with Condor,...
That was an interesting “double” take on why medieval-ish kingdoms would not lay claim to treasure troves found within their borders. Would the...
Players have a way of suddenly deciding, “wait no, bad idea” and immediately heading South when the Dungeon is North. To prevent the campaign...