Wow, new faqs, and now the EotG is a priest [ATTACH] And the CP from sunblood it's all over table [ATTACH] and scaly skin can't apply to MW
I have a question with the purple sun, the warscroll says you roll a die and at 5+ the sun goes wild, but if all the bound spells of seraphon...
ups -.- sorry i didnt read -.-
habemus faqs
a quickly resume,I have not seen all endless Endless spells: Pendulum: roll a die for each unit you pass across 2+ D3 MW Emerald: same(If I'm not...
some post before, Artorisaurus post a link [MEDIA]
troglodon 270 .... and we dont have bound endless [ATTACH]
-.- Our basti has lost ignore rend without wounds, section 22.2.1 "Modifiers will never reduce an attribute below 0", was 1 before -.-
true, my mistake
Wow the new arcane bolt, nagash can make 8 MW in one phase or 8d3 if he charge. I have doubt if we can use vassal to this [IMG]
the problem is the next sentence: "Every army in a matched play event will have the same set of core battalions at their disposal, which further... Well, warscroll...
bye bye faction battallions -.-
emm, bye bye bound endless spell¿? [IMG]
D3 Mw every charge phase is hard
well the image looks terrible, but kroak 430, kragnos 760, allariel 740
make troglodon and arcane vassal great again xDDD.. but i don't like trogodon uhmm
I really hate dead for innumerable ages -.-, its so random >Kroak >1W: 0% chance >2W: 0.46% chance >3W: 1.85% chance >4W: 4.62% chance...
wtf is that... I hope this is a joke ...
Kragnos warscroll, the rampaging destruction is insane, bye bye monsters.......