GG GW, apart from the book and the characters we knew, it also comes 4 army boxes, Sylvaneth, skavens, BoC and Slaanesh confirmed with my local store
yes the ogors only make 1mw, the D3 I said for kragnos
I think kragnos will have the same ability as ogors, will roll the same number of dice as the result to charge and 4/5 + will do d3 mw, 12 * 3 = 36mw
and more slaanesh -.-, but kroak comming with Broken Realms: Kragnos...
140 points the new battalion, add the be'lakor profile uhmm the shards and the horroghast bound cost the same
is from the kroak post, at the end of the article
the sourse is the community :p...
uhmm we have now the forbidden power spell bound [IMG]
reading the article, they make it clear that kroak is one of the most powerful wizards in the realm,, so I don't think we get any nerf
NEW KROAK!!!!, and new warscroll [IMG]
the warscroll for underworlds band, in my opinion too expensive, but the ambush seems interesting to me [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
without discount, i calculated 268€ O.o, yes the world is ending xDD
I think april are spiders from gloomspite
Sorry for the size [IMG] [IMG]
Builder update, and the DS cost 510, a error in the faqs/general i suppose
Today playing a game with FoS, we had a question with Command ability, in the previous faq it said that it was at the end of the enemy loading...
Hi, I prepare a 2vs2 game, and my partner and i will be use seraphon, we can use for example comets call with our kroak in the same turn or only...