uhmm reading again the post the list: Stegadon - sunfire x2 Stegadon - bows x2 Stegadon - hero Engine x2 Bastiladon cost 1970 points and with the...
i think now the engine will be: 1-3 - i dont know 4-8 - cure d3 9-12 - damage(?) and yes, i dont like the sunfire -.-
I like this [IMG]
Stegageddon https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/03/05/stegageddon-the-final-form-of-listbuildinggw-homepage-post-2/
If we are lucky, the Guerrilla miniatures games(or another page) will upload a video with the book on Saturday, they have already done so with...
I'm scare about the bastiladon lose rend inmunity. About bean, i think they put a static number of attack and yes, the ark need a rework to better
Well, maybe I'm starting to be paranoid too but in the video they teach you to paint skinks with contrast, the guy when talk about the skink's...
and tomorrow, if I'm not mistaken, they will show the thunder lizard
and you can garrison them with your Seraphon models, up to a total of 20 Wounds... meh.. i really hope he does more too
The realmshaper engine https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/03/04/remake-reality-the-realmshaper-enginegw-homepage-post-3/
In my group some are the same, when the army of stegadons was known,one of them complaining that it was going to be very broken, being able to put...
Its a crazy teory but if The trog are a wizzard but not a hero? Like Evocators
Finally GW update the image, well the warriors are better now [IMG]
uhmm reading the post again, before I noticed this: As if that wasn’t enough, you’ll get to ignore negative terrain effects in your table half, as...
The trog spell is the kroak spell O.o [IMG]
The Rules: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2020/03/03/seraphon-the-rulesgw-homepage-post-2/
maybe no 5 years, we only need wait for the next leap-year
I'm sorry> _ <, I play with seraphon for about 3 and a half years, and it's my first and only army. I hate GW very much for the miniatures, but I...
maybe if we are lucky, they can release a new band for shadespire with a new hero and minis
I try now to paint 30 saurus guard and maybe try to start a engine/stegadon