Uhmm, maybe the "new" astrolith and chance astrolith for only one function? If we save the current astrolith and win more Range of spell, sound...
Uhmm i have started to see the zigurat again, and i found The skinks curious, all skinks have mace and shield, its only a crazy teory but a new...
When GW said nothing about the book, I was angry. But now I'm worse, because I start counting minutes and I refresh the community page a lot, I...
Only a visual update
I hope so... I press F5 every 2 minuts xD
In the book Godbeasts(is the first time i lisen about that book xDD) appear the "sons of behemath"[IMG]
They change tomorrow for this week...
I hate GW, they don't say or show anything about us, but then they post pictures with our minis as if nothing happens. Uhmm, Although reading what...
I hope to paint this month 30 guard, 2 razordons, sunblood and an eternity warden.... in total since I started painting I only painted 10 minis...
[IMG] If I understand in Main body, only battleline can be double-sized
A few months later, but now I prepare to participate in a tournament with meeting engagement rules, and I started looking for lists, and if i...
Right now nagash have 21/36 probability to make d3 MW X 8 spells xDDD
I still remember the "cries" by the kroak with his ability 3 times ... and the nerf took
[IMG] a small contribution, "all army" have Hekatos Keyword, the line have this keyword thanks to the unit leader. The only miniatures without...
and the Lammasu is a celestial being from ancient Mesopotamian religion [IMG]
reading a Spanish website I found these rumor tables, supposedly they indicate the things that will come out this year, and it seems that we are...
the current death bands do not call me much, and that I see quite curious
Order: Seraphon, and maybe fyreslayers Destruction: ironjawz Death: ossiarch bonereapers Chaos: Skavens
the main problem is that this is not the empire, so this has nothing to do with it, this is a kingdom where several races coexist with nothing...
and the warriors are the same size as the orruks