I think if you'd like to explore the possibilities of summoning, you should head over to ol' Warseer and check out a Deep Striking tactica. The...
Interesting discussion. I haven't followed 9th much, so this insight is good to hear. I really liked Saurus in 8ed. Especially under the new book...
Sure is. It's OOP now unfortunately. I'm sure you could find one on ebay though!
It's been awhile since I dusted off the old rule books, but I am pretty sure Lord Mazdamundi had a handful of unique Lizardmen spells. Maybe I'm...
The Blood Bowl Kroxigor is/was my favorite model. Check out mine in the Gallery. And welcome to LO!
Man, this customs business is crazy. That's 3 of you so far. Last year I didn't hear of anyone having to pay for it. Does anyone in the UK know if...
You're not forgotten! Just dealing with a couple problems with orders then I'm on to you guys :)
Great stories so far everyone! So much reading to do yet... Fear me? [img]
Back in the days of the bitz store, you could buy individual horned one heads from the Inxi-Huinzi kit to make them fit the part. That's what I...
There you go! All downhill from here.
I haven't heard if anyone has or not yet, but I'm sure someone will post when they get them.
Dice for the dice throne!!
Dice are leaving my hands this week. US lizards should be receiving them Monday or so. International lizards will probably be towards the end of...
Sorry guys, I was out of town on work last week when they arrived. But guess what...
Lots of picking and choosing in these lists. @Pinktaco, what are the voting results looking like on the T9A forum?
Fortunately us lizards are cold blooded and capable of extreme patience. Is this a test of the Old Ones?
Holy cow, amazing entries everyone. I'm blown away by your talent every time.