Itepixcauh, your steg is almost exactly the two tone green I'm chasing! Also your painting skills are phenomenal!
I have a few rollers from Greenstuff (i think that is the website). i Highly recommend them!
Status update: finished the steg base, and my skink heros. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Tomorrows plan is to finish skink crew of the steg and try start and...
Here is the dark storage of metal models: Starting with the Skink ColdOne Riders: [ATTACH] and then here are my favorite saurus models that i...
January Status update: So far I have built 40 skinks, 3 kroxigors, 2 salamander, 1 razordon, 3 skink hearders, and magnetizing the stegadon....
New year, new me?! Well let’s go with that. I have been lurking in the shadows for a long time on this forum and I think it’s about time I dip my...
Crowsfoot, I am about to upload now!
Killer Angel, first of all nice name! second i agree. the prophet may be a bad idea. its hard to fit all of the models i want in within the 1000pts.
Aginor, i agree! i just wanted a model to convert or build for a skink leader.... would a priest be more viable?
Crowsfoot, the main reason i was think salamanders was the D6 damage for possible high wound models. but in saying that, the Instinctive defence...
Magic_Karl, to be honest its just a list of models i like and trying to build. It will be played casually until i paint up all the other models....
Here is my 1000 point army list that i plan on building, painting and playing. I will be documenting all the steps i make in a separate thread. So...
thank you for all the replies! I am very happy with the activity within this website! also I am finally starting a painting blog for the march of...
Sleboda i appreciate the honesty. To prevent any possible trouble il just leave them in the display cabinet.
thank you for the reply. I may write two or three lists where i have them and where i leave them at home.
I did not know where to post this question so don't heckle to much! My question is; I want to field a entire skink army and I have around 25...
Thank you everyone. Yeah us aussie draw a lot of shenanigans!! and already checked on the dice just need to find my wallet.
G'day everyone, I finally built up the courage to join. I am originally from Australia but moved to America for college. Lizardmen have always...