This could actually be quite a strong list, although it would depend on your opponent. I would mainly be concerned about just how many points...
I completely missed the difference to hit! :oops: As Brew of Sharpness is 45pts that's only 5pts difference, so maybe they aren't such a terrible...
Why the attachment to the Ancients on Rhinosaurs? With a speed of only 7 they will find it extremely difficult to ever make the first charge...
What @Itepixcauh said! And on spamming - looking around for my next tournament it is quite interesting to see how the rules set by the TO...
Why would it be mad to consider it?? It's an incredible experience! After you two have supported me so well in the run up to CoK 2016 it would be...
Well the offer to play me is always there if you can get to Derby/Nottingham or Barnet!
These are very, very cool. I'm impressed!
Thank you and you're welcome! I wanted to hit it big for my first ever tournament, but now I'm playing the long game - I'm going to use the whole...
Thank you for keeping an eye out for me! Yes, I could have had 4 wins out of that, but then one of my wins was a lucky one so it swings both...
And finally, Battle 6 a.k.a. 'The Mauling' [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Is that enough pictures for everyone??
Battle 5. The second half of which my girlfriend played Baldurs Gate on my pad, so pictures missing... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Battle 3. And looking at the next few pictures on the shared file it looks as though she wandered off to take pictures of some of the awesome...
And here are some pictures! My girlfriend came to watch to see what it was all about, and took some pictures. Unfortunately some of them miss...
So, Clash of Kings over! As it was my first ever tournament of any kind I wasn't really sure what to expect but when I started all of this I had...
The ideal use of chaff is when they rout after being charged, thereby allowing a hammer unit behind the chaff to charge the opponent's unit now in...
The first thing that jumps out at me is that I would see Bane Chant and Brew of Strength as points wasted - the one thing Sallies have a lack of...
Would you be able to list them out without all the stats please? It's rather confusing otherwise. Just unit, size and any upgrades / magic items.
I'd ask a question on the Mantic forums to get an official response on whether this would be allowed - he Errata states that units must have a...