AYYY! Another SAI User! I haven't gotten all the short cuts down for it yet, even though I have had it for while over a year at this point, still...
Come on you scaly nerds! :) More Art for Aartzifartzi!
Oh damn! Sorry to hear! :(
Welcome to the plastic crack! I echo everyone when I say cannot wait to see more from you!
Keep nagging kid! @spawning of Bob I have completed my entry, lack of pants and all!
I just really really loved that story, I wanted to try and think of something outside the comp but Fireblade's challenge really stood out for me!...
Got a bit of inspiration from @Lady Tor'ti Llaz 's story for this so far, starting late that I know but got hecka busy! Hopefully this will be...
I eagerly await the postings of the stories!
@spawning of Bob you mean Warden and Pendrake right?
Sent my story last night! Not as good as I would have liked but happy to still contribute!
HIGH FIVE FOR RETURN OF MORE ART! Though I do not know you, welcome back!
@Warden you know I wasn't thinking of writing anything to go along with the picture but now that you mention it...I think I should! story comp...
Things getting very deep here in the visual art contest.
Only ahhh, just started my entry
PANTS HAHA! What a silly thought, PANTS! Kilts are where its at! OKay but in all seriousness, its hard having to choose, even with the option...
I almost don't want to update mine for the sheer fact self loathing is a Medium I work in well
I am glad to see I am facing some excellent competition! As always we put on a good show when it comes to any form of contest!
Should be interesting, should (hopefully) be able to finagle something this time!
Definitely one of my favorite pranks a site has ever pulled! Hail Clan Mors!
I will be able too! Its got some tweaking to still go for it, so its not 100% done.